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IXXAT成立于1987年,随着第块CAN总线芯片开始,IXXAT开始涉及CAN总线开发和设计。 IXXAT是一个全球公认的CAN和工业总线领域的产品和服务提供商。
   质量保证,IXXAT建设有完善的质量管理体系,公司不只是通过ISO 2000:9001的质量认证,而且使用它作为一个有效的工具。
作为自动化和汽车领域的先进供应商,我们致力于将产品工具和服务一体的整体解决方案。 Ixxat中文网站
  • 基本产品支持服务:
  • 针对产品使用过程中的技术支持,邮件,电话。
  • 针对相应产品使用过程中的问题解决,邮件,电话。
  • 特殊情况的现场技术解决。
  • 总线产品TurnKey 服务:
  • 构建CAN总线系统硬件系统方案
  • 构建CAN总线系统监控分析软件系统方案
  • 辅助实施CAN总线监控系统
  • 解答,解决系统实施过程中的各种问题和BugCAN总线标定系统建立:PX-Service-CANCalibrationSystem
  • 构建CAN总线测试系统硬件系统方案
  • 可实施电气层,链路层,数据层等的故障注入等测试。
  • 构建CAN总线系统测试软件系统方案
  • 辅助实施CAN总线测试系统
  • 解答,解决系统实施过程中的各种问题和Bug
嵌入式系统开发,FPGA设计,PC接口技术(PCI,PCI express, USB, Ethernet, Bluetooth)等,Windows ,Linux Real-time operating systems IEC 61508 (Safety)
CANopen DeviceNet ; Ethernet/IP ETHERNET Powerlink  ;PROFINET Bluetooth GSM/GPRS TCP/IP
  • PC 接口板卡
  • 总线拓扑产品
包括中继器,网关,网桥是常见的网络建设基本部件。由于汽车和工业的网络技术越来越复杂,这就需要类似的产品。IXXAT提供大量基于CAN的系统的产品。包括repeaters, bridges, 和gateways,这使得客户可以方便灵活的建立自己的网络。
  • 协议软件
实施复杂通信协议如(CANopen, DeviceNet, ETHERNET Powerlink, EtherNet/IP, IEEE 1588, SAE J1939)等可以采用成功的Stacks软件,IXXA创建的协议用于自己的产品也可以用于用户的产品。IXXAT的协议软件已用于世界上的各种嵌入式系统。
  • 分析工具,配置工具,诊断工具
  • 根据用户定义试用的总线产品

IXXAT总线解决方案 手动查询

A device with a universal gateway which is used for diagnostics in commercial vehicles was developed for a leading commercial vehicle manufacturer. Despite its compact design, it supports the interfaces 2 x CAN, ISO 9141 (K-Line and L-Line), J1708, USB 2.0, 2 x RS232, digital inputs/outputs and analogue inputs. A bootloader enables simple updating of the firmware. Therefore, the device can also be individually modified to address individual requirements.
(2)cPCI RTM/CAN 接口模块带I/O扩展
一个Active CAN接口卡,其可以通过IXXAT标准驱动和软件使用,专门针对cPCI RTM标准开发(带尾IO)安装于测试设备生产商,用于测试系统的通信,
In addition to the microcontroller system responsible for CAN, a second lower order microcontroller system was created that provides a specific I/O extension.
(3)光纤CAN 星形耦合器用于测试台架
针对空客A380测试台架开发的星形CAN耦合器,可以允许测试台架连接Simulator仿真设备和真实设备。这里实现了长距离的桥接,the CAN star coupler pro

vides CAN ports to ISO11898-2 (CAN High-Speed) as well as 2 optical CAN ports for the connection of glass fiber lines and other disconnectable CAN ports.

针对joysticks的生产厂家生产的接口卡,其带CANopen and a J1939 接口卡的joystick.这些需要硬件和软件上的特别支持。In addition to the microprocessor board, an I/O board provides the power supply and a variable number of digital and analog I/Os which, with additional controls, provide simple, customer-specific modification of the joystick handle.
(5)Parameterization and service tool for coffee machines
For a manufacturer of coffee machines for the hotel and catering industry, IXXAT specified and developed a CANopenbased communication system which is used in the coffee machine and provides a high level of equipment modularity in the machines. Due to the high level of modularity and the large number of specified parameters, a Windows-based tool was developed that provides both a simple sizing of the coffee machine and convenient service.
IXXAT worked in close cooperation with the specialists of a worldwide leading manufacturer of elevators to design a CAN-based network that meets the specific requirements for future elevator generations in terms of scalability, topologies, installation, extendibility, diagnostics and price. To this end, a specific transport protocol was developed that makes it possible to address up to 4096 devices. The system design was then successfully reconfigured in the form of a protocol software and is used